Anthony Hanemaayer

Anthony Hanemaayer (b.1967 or 1968) is a Canadian man who was wrongfully convicted of a 1987 sexual assault.

At the original trial in 1989, the victim's mother identified Hanemaayer as the assailant based on a brief look after the assault. Hanemaayer pleaded guilty on the advice of his lawyer, to avoid a long sentence. In 2006, however, convicted serial rapist Paul Bernardo confessed to the assault, throwing Hanemaayer's conviction into question (he had long since served his sentence). Police interviewed Hanemaayer again about the assault without telling him specifically about Bernardo's confession; however, late in 2007 the Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted learned of the confession and informed Hanemaayer, then took up his case early in 2008.

On June 25, 2008, the Court of Appeal for Ontario formally overturned Hanemaayer's conviction and exonerated him of the crime.
